Integrate Loket.nl with HoorayHR!
newLoket.nl x HoorayHR integration
With the integration of Loket.nl, keeping track of your online payroll administration becomes very easy. All changes in HoorayHR are processed directly in your payroll administration.
What is Loket.nl?
Loket.nl is a simple payroll administration package. Work directly with your payroll administrator and create payslips quickly and easily.
The benefits of HoorayHR x Loket.nl integration
After activating the link between HoorayHR and Loket.nl, you will immediately have the following benefits:
- Automatic onboarding and offboarding of employees
- No more manual entries or changes to be made
- Automatic import of employees into HoorayHR for a flying start
How does the HoorayHR x Loket.nl integration work?
Activating the integration is possible via the application from HoorayHR. If you are not yet a customer and curious about how HoorayHR works in combination with Loket.nl, feel free to schedule a demo.
Pricing integration Loket.nl
The integration with Loket.nl is available as an add-on. This costs €1 per user.
More information and help with use
Would you like more information about the Loket.nl x HoorayHR integration? Please contact our support team.