All functionalities outlined

Discover all possibilities of HoorayHR and get a grip on your HR affairs.
No more complicated spreadsheets or separate documents, but all your HR affairs in one place.

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Core HR

All your HR affairs in one place

Put the basics in order! HoorayHR lets you manage all your HR tasks in one place. Never forget a contract renewal again, keep track of all documents, get an overview of your HR administration and complete HR tasks quickly and on time.

Digital personnel file

Keep your HR affairs up-to-date with a digital personnel file. One place for all your employees’ files and data, never lose anything again!

  • Always keep track of your HR data
  • Unlimited storage of data and documents
  • Secure and GDPR proof

Contract management

HoorayHR contract management allows you to create an overview of all your contracts. You will always have an overview of all contract dates and you will easily know how many contracts an employee has. Always have all your contract matters under control.

  • Keep track of contract expiration dates
  • Get smart reminders for contract renewals
  • Including digital signing

Document management

With HoorayHR, you store HR documents in one place. You’ll never lose anything again. Including smart notifications, sharing with employees and digital signing.

  • All your HR documents in one place
  • Document management system that provides clarity
  • Sign documents digitally whenever you want!

Digital signing

Have contracts and other HR documents signed directly from a distance.
HoorayHR enables you to sign your these digitally!

  • Easily sign digitally
  • Never lose a signed document again
  • Including legally valid certificate

HR self service app

With HoorayHR’s employee app, your all-in-one HR tool is always close at hand. This makes it even easier to streamline your HR tasks. In HoorayHR’s HR app, all your colleagues can manage their own affairs: from leave requests to submitting expense claims. Everything is arranged at the push of a button!

  • Perfect for employees’ HR tasks
  • A complete HR overview in the app
  • Available to web, iOs (iPhone) and Android

Company assets

With HoorayHR’s HR software, you’ll never lose a laptop, account details or keys again. Easily keep a record of who is allocated which company assets. Onboarding and offboarding has never been so simple!

  • Keep track of company assets with ease
  • Never lose sight of a company asset again!
  • Includes convenient HR features

All your HR affairs in one place with HoorayHRTry it for free


Ensure the perfect start for new employees

Automate HR processes with workflows and create a streamlined onboarding. All tasks for the new employee can be found in one place. Easily add all tasks for onboarding. Build your own workflow directly or start from a template.


From onboarding to offboarding. All your processes in convenient HR workflows with HoorayHR. Build your own workflows and make sure all tasks are distributed immediately.

  • Includes useful templates
  • Divide tasks
  • From onboarding to offboarding

Want to onboard new employees effectively with HoorayHR?Try it for free

Leave & absence

Always have an overview of your colleagues’ availability

With HoorayHR, you always have insight into your colleagues’ availability. Automatically calculate leave budgets and request leave with one click. In the dashboard, you immediately see who is absent and maintain an overview of capacity in the workplace.

Leave management

Get rid of complex Excel spreadsheets for tracking leave. Leave tracking software from HoorayHR: super-simple and 100% accurate.

  • Leave automatically calculated
  • Leave app for employees
  • Includes useful HR features

Absence management

With HoorayHR, you can notify someone of absence due to illness with the click of a button. This way, everyone instantly knows their availability and you get insight into absence rates of your organisation, teams and colleagues.

  • Understanding the organisation’s absenteeism rate
  • Employee self service
  • Conventient HR features to streamline your HR process

Corporate calendar

HoorayHR’s company calendar gives you an overview of your colleagues’ availabilities. You’re always in the loop regarding who is present at a given moment.

  • Clear overview in one calendar
  • Coordinate your leave accordingly
  • Direct connection to your own calendar

Easily keep track of leave with HoorayHRTry it for free


Track and approve hours easily

HoorayHR makes it easy to track and approve hours. Our timetracker allows colleagues to easily keep track of hours worked each day. In the timesheet, you can easily find colleagues’ hours worked!


Keep track of hours worked and ensure everyone is compensated accordingly. Time registration and HR software in one. One integrated tool that uses a timesheet that can be directly integrated with your HR administration.

  • Keep the timesheets up to date on the web and by using the mobile app
  • Transfer overtime to time off in lieu easily
  • Overview with useful reports

Track and approve hours easily with HoorayHRTry it for free


Grow your team, flourish as a company

Employees have the ability to easily set goals as well as sub-goals. Keep minutes of conversations you had and craft a complete development cycle for your organisation. Employees can easily request feedback from colleagues or partners.

Performance management

Personal growth and the growth of the team contributes to a healthy organisation. HoorayHR is happy to help you set up the performance management process easily. This way, you support the personal development of every colleague!

  • Set goals with ease
  • Keep track of the development cycle with ease
  • Use meeting adjustable meeting

360 degree feedback

Company growth starts with the personal development of your employees. With 360-degree feedback, you and your employees can easily understand their development.

  • 360 degree feedback
  • Ask feedback from within the company as well as from outside
  • Have your employees grow and flourish as a company
The company flourishes as your employees grow, all with HoorayHRTry it for free


Manage expenses in HoorayHR

Scanning receipts with HoorayHR’s app is a piece of cake. Simply submit expense claims and keep track of travel expenses. The work locations feature in HoorayHR gives you an insight into colleagues’ work-from-home and office days, giving you a clear overview to determine home office reimbursements and travel expenses.

Expense claims

Get rid of piles of receipts! Scan your expenses with the HoorayHR expense claim app. This will save you time, prevent errors and give you more insight into costs incurred.

  • Expense claim app for employee
  • An overview and insights for business owners
  • Convenient synchronisation with accounting software

Work locations

Overzicht en inzicht wie wanneer thuiswerkt en hoe de kantoorbezetting is? Met HoorayHR hou je eenvoudig overzicht voor remote working.

  • Schedule your work location easily
  • Overview of office occupancy
  • Reports on travel expenses and home office reimbursement

Scan your receipts at once with the HoorayHR appTry it for free


All HR data clearly laid out

HoorayHR offers various reports to make all your HR data transparent. We offer a report for the remaining leave budget, absenteeism reporting, reports for contracts, changes and more.

HR Analytics

Keep a hold on your company’s growth and know what’s going on. Track leave budgets, absence rates and hours. HoorayHR provides transparency through HR analytics for employees, teams and your company.

  • All data at your fingertips
  • Easy to compile
  • HR analytics for better decision making
Make decisions easily based on your HR dataTry it for free


40+ integrations with your favourite tools

Simply link HoorayHR to your other tools. This way, you build one ecosystem for all your HR matters. From payroll to accounting and your agenda to your workspace.

Payroll administration

HoorayHR integrates with various payroll solutions. Mutations processed directly in your payroll. Discover our integrations with Nmbrs, & SalarFusion.


HoorayHR integrates with various Recruitment & ATS systems. Streamline the entire onboarding process: from hiring a candidate to the first day of work. Discover our integrations with Homerun, Teamtailor & Recruitee.


HoorayHR integrates with various accounting packages. Easily approve and process expense claims in accounting. Discover our integrations with Afas, InformerOnline, Basecone, Exact Online, Moneybird, our UBL-integration and many other types of accounting software.


HoorayHR integrates with different workspaces. Receive notifications from HoorayHR easily in your workspace, such as Slack and Microsoft Teams.


HoorayHR offers integrations with several calendars. You can easily connect the HoorayHR company calendar to your own calendar, such as  Microsoft Outlook Calendar, Google Calendar and iCal.


HoorayHR offers several CRM integrations. Easily link employee presence from HoorayHR with your capacity planning in your CRM system, such as Teamleader Orbit en Gripp – CRM.

Workforce management

HoorayHR offers and integration with Shiftbase to create alignment with staff planning.

Discover the combined power of HoorayHR and its integrationsTry it for free